"When I am sounding, I am transported to a place beyond the mind." Jvala Moonfire
Photo Courtesy Stacy Satya Cripe
Photo Courtesy Stacy Satya Cripe
"Every day, we are bombarded by noise that keeps us from accessing the peaceful silence within," said Taos sound healer Jvala Moonfire. Cellphones, social media, navigating traffic and a self-induced noise and chaos are some culprits. "Everything is sound, vibration, energy pulsating - this entire world and cosmos, our thoughts, our emotions, our physical bodies all pulse with waves of frequency."
Moonfire's healing solution is what she calls a "sound bath." She describes it as "a deep immersion in the transformative healing power of sound and frequency." During each 90-minute session, she plays "crystal singing bowls and chants awakened mantra to create a powerful healing landscape." Moonfire will bring her crystal singing bowls and sacred mantras Sunday (Jan. 19), 3-4 p.m., to Shree Yoga Taos, 112 Camino de la Placita. Moonfire's "sound bath" events have attracted participants from all over the world and she has even been signaled out by Vogue magazine as someone on the cutting edge of the current wellness trend ("Why New Mexico Is the West Coast's Best, and Most Overlooked, Wellness Retreat," by Alison Beckner, Sept. 29, 2018). Moonfire explained that "the power of the bowls can train the brain waves to enter alpha and theta states of consciousness, a clear focused meditative awareness, dream or journey states and deep healing relaxation." Participants in a "sound bath" lie down on yoga mats, supported by blankets and bolsters, and are guided into a meditative, relaxed state. Moonfire described what this is like. "When I am sounding," she said, "I am transported to a place beyond the mind, where the heart silences and expands to allow a stream of sonic consciousness and grace to flow through. In this space I feel connected to the tapestry that weaves through all of creation, where we silence the sense of the personal, to open up to a stream of universal prayer and presence." Moonfire said she lived in India for over a decade, steeping herself in the ancient yogic practices of self-realization through sound, mantra and meditation. She lived in Himalayan caves and studied yoga, meditation and Sanskrit with her guru in the ancient sacred city of Varanasi along the banks of the Ganges River. In 2012, she returned to the West. She continued her studies in sound healing and became certified with renowned sound healer Tom Kenyon, and the Globe Institute of Sound and Consciousness in San Francisco. |
Moonfire said she chose the path she is on when she experienced "the transformative power of sound in 2000 through my guru's grace when initiated by awakened mantra. His lineage gives Shaktipat, the transference of spiritual energy and enlivening of one's kundalini and awakening of consciousness through sound and mantra," she explained. "This deeply changed the course of my life. When I returned to the West years later, 'sound healing' became the bridge; a merging of streams of East and West, creating a context in which I can share a drop of the grace that opened me up to healing and awakening consciousness, in which I can support the community by creating a field invoking healing, peace and deep soul presence."
Regular attendee Pamela Rosenburg swears by Moonfire's sound baths, and said this about her experience, "I attend the 'Crystal Bowl Sound Bath' with regularity - it has become an intrinsic part of my physical and mental health regimen. The effects I experience are many, though a quieter and peaceful mind is a big benefit. I also attribute my excellent health to my regular exposure to these frequencies. We have used sound for thousands of years in many cultures and I find it to be a powerful tool in my life." Another regular of the Moonfire's sound baths, Taos resident Ellie Starishevsky said, "Jvala's 'Crystal Bowl Sound Baths' are like a journey into the cosmic origin of sound and its healing powers. They allow the participants to deeply relax and safely surrender their energetic body to be carried away by the vibrational waves of awakened energy in the form of mantra and the crystal bowls. "One awakens feeling refreshed and harmonized, as if your spirit was just summoned to now run the show instead of the tired mind," Starishevsky explained. "It is like being wrapped in a womblike, energetic blanket of sound that envelopes one's entire being. "Jvala has years of experience in India with sound vibration yoga and has so much integrity with how she approaches and co-creates the scene for this ancient healing modality," she continued, "where she merges with a unified field and holds a powerful container for all to join, to empty their buckets and refill anew, facilitating deep healing." Moonfire moved to Taos in 2012. "I feel blessed to live on these lands," she said, "at the foot of the sacred mountain, offering these transformative healing gifts of sound to the community." Cost to attend is $20. For more information, call (575) 224-1561 or visit resonancehealingarts.com/jvala-moonfire.html |